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Supportive Environments

In supportive environments, employees convey information to superiors without hesitation, confident that superiors will readily accept it, whether good or bad, favorable or unfavorable. A worker, for example, who reports an EPA violation in the company's disposing of hazardous waste must be assured of management's support. If employees think that reporting regulatory violations to their superiors will brand them as whistle­blowers, thereby endangering their jobs, they will probably say nothing. But because supportive superiors are seen as non-threatening, perhaps even nurturing, employees will usually open up to them and share unpleasant or dangerous information.
Fear, shame, and pride encourage people to keep their mouths shut if they feel vulnerable or unsupported. In a meeting, for example, an individual may not tell the group that product delivery will be late because the receiving agents were not notified in time. A late delivery date puts the whole marketing plan in jeopardy, resulting in millions dollars lost and in eroded market share. With so much at stake, the employee's self-protective reaction to say nothing, in a non-supportive climate, is a rational choice to safeguard employment.
Communication closes down in non-supportive environments because information poses a threat. In supportive environments, employees communicate more readily for a number of reasons: The reporting mechanism accords them dignity and respect. They have no need to fear reprisals for sharing bad news. They are rewarded for being forthright. And they are appreciated as vital sources of information crucial to the organization's success.


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